Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Conversion Memories


The Triduum was indeed one long liturgy, and I soaked up every minute of it. I watched as 12 of my classmates had their feet washed on Thursday night. It was a beautiful mass with the full choir, all the Deacons, and so on. We have been going to the 5:00 teen mass on Sundays, so I hadn't heard the choir in a long time. We read the Passion, and I stayed for the exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for about half an hour, praying and trying to comprehend the adoration concept...

I stayed for all three services on Friday; the Stations, the Tenebrae, and the Liturgy of the Word. The Tenebrae was beautiful, with seven of our best male voices chanting the psalms from the back of the church. The sadness of the candles being extinguished was punctuated when the Pascal candle was taken away, and they made a startling, loud noise in the back to signify the sealing of the tomb.

The vigil was a joyous occasion. We all (about 60 people between Catacumins, Candidates, Sponsors, and Godparents) met in the basement room an hour ahead of time to get organized. Everyone dressed up, and looked sharp. My dear friend Frank Morall was there to sponsor his girlfriend's son, Robert Chang. Frank and I have drawn close over the past year, sharing our age related employment troubles, attending mass together, and RCIA. Frank is recovering from cancer.

My wife, Lynette, was my sponsor for the vigil. All the Catacumins and Candidates sat together with sponsors front and center, and the kids sat together in our "usual" pew. It started with lights out. Father Bill kindled a fire in the back, and all candles were lighted from there. We had five readings, starting with Genesis, proceeding through the Gospel of the Lord rising from the tomb. Then they played some beautiful music with bells and brought up lights around the church.

Father Bill then baptized the Catacumins. It was a great moment, and I found myself saying "Amen" after each one received their holy water. I celebrated with Deacon Jayce, who led our class, while I was in line to get confirmed, and took "Paul" as my confirmation name. The kids were cheering for me when we said our vows, and there was thunderous applause. I was beaming.

Deacon Jayce asked me to bring the gifts up, so that was a very special moment too. It was a great night to share with Lynette by my side. I felt both restored and born again when I received the Body of Christ. The camaraderie within the group was very special.

Well, here we go into the new dawn...

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