Thursday, April 3, 2008

I BELIEVE introduction

In the beginning, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit were one God, and always will be.

I believe that we were born of love by God through the Word and the Holy Spirit. Because He loves us, God instilled in us the desire to know Him. He forever seeks to draw us to Him, yet He gave us the free will to love Him or deny Him because Love cannot be coerced. Giving us free choice permitted the possibility of evil. Thus, the knowledge of love and evil are written in the hearts of all mankind.

I believe God exists beyond nature, in eternity, but we seek God within the parameters of nature and time and thereby fail to know Him. We are separated from Him and often choose evil to fill our emptiness. To save us, God sent the Word incarnate to conquer evil and deliver us.

I believe the Word incarnate, Jesus Christ, has saved us from evil by nailing it to the cross of his sacrificial death. Christ was raised from the dead and given dominion over all the heavens and the earth. He has reconciled us and restored us to God. He is our purpose. We are invited to join him in love, and He has instructed us to encourage all mankind to seek him.

I believe that Jesus Christ joined himself to our fallen humanity. In saving us, He reestablished divine life for us. He set us free to join Him in divinity in the new covenant with God. By His grace our human reason is transformed into the supernatural faith necessary to believe in Him and follow Him.

I believe we partake of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist; we are thereby united in eternity to God the Father, the Apostles, the Saints, our Holy Mother, the clergy, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ through the Holy Spirit. The Eucharist physically and spiritually sustains us, and we should therefore partake as often as possible.


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